You as an Individual
You as an Individual
What are the differences between butterflies and moths? Generally speaking, there are several different characteristics. Butterflies are diurnal, but moths are nocturnal. Moths have thicker antennae and bodies. Butterflies are colorful, but moths are darker. Butterflies and moths are often distinguished by their appearances and habits, but there are some exceptions, making a clear distinction difficult. Butterflies and moths are not distinguished in biological taxonomy and are both lepidopteran insects. When we ask ourselves, “Is it a butterfly or a moth?” we are reminded of our human-centered perspective. Furthermore, people have different opinions about the impression they receive from the appearance of things. Contradictions and prejudices arise in the supposedly scientific definition of species. We can catch a glimpse of human nature in it.
Nakanojo Biennale 2021, Kaiko Farm House, Gunma
写真・動画提供:中之条ビエンナーレ 宮本和之 Kazuyuki Miyamoto
Photo movie:Nakanojo Biennale Kazuyuki Miyamoto

Photo: Kazuyuki Miyamoto

Photo: Kazuyuki Miyamoto

Photo: Kazuyuki Miyamoto

Photo: Manami Hayasaki

Photo: Manami Hayasaki

Photo: Kazuyuki Miyamoto

Photo: Kazuyuki Miyamoto

Photo: Kazuyuki Miyamoto